Newborn Screening Tests

State law requires that all babies born in Texas have a blood test called the “newborn screening test.” This test identifies disorders in the baby which if not found and treated early may cause intellectual disability or serious illness. The law gives parents the right to refuse the screening test for their baby if having the test conflicts with their religious beliefs or practices. If this is true for you, be sure to tell the hospital staff. The blood sample is collected on a special absorbent paper from a small prick on your baby’s heel. The first test is done while you are in the hospital. A second sample is collected when your baby is 7 to 14 days old during your first check-up in our office. The second sample is collected because, in a few infants, a disorder may not have been detected with the first test. In the event that either test detects an abnormality, we will be notified promptly by the State of Texas Lab in Austin, and we will contact you immediately.
